Monday, August 16, 2010

Home once more

Dear Diary,
I have retuned from EFY on saturday. and wow what an amazing adventure! i would have to say that the classes where awesome! i felt tears every single day from the spirit. and i now want to be a better person! its kinda strange being home again. i am so used to sharing this small little room with another girl and devotionals every morning. and i definitely miss caring scriptures in my bag. ( i think i am going to make that a habit now). and its weird not eating cafeteria food. but i am so happy to be home. i really missed my family, because i was the only person that went to EFY this year in my family, I remember looking for my sisters and having to remind my self that they are back in BC. and having the urge to call my mom constantly. I wasn't home sick... just i wish my sisters could have been there with me.
on this trip i have had super fun experiences ( sprinting through the rain in bare feet and church clothes), embarrassing moments ( not going to share those experiences at this time), and spiritual experiences.

well i cant wait till next year!!



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