Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentines Day

Dear Diary,
I know I am late posting for Valentines day! But this valentines day was different from most.
Every valentines in my life has been the same. Wake up, go on with my day and then half way through remember it was Valentines day and quickly cut out a couple hearts for my closest friends then go home and sleep. Nothing special! BUT THIS TIME!! I truly failed with the Valentines making. I helped decorate cookies for the team at work (The Shaw Ocean Discovery Center) and discussed with a coworker while cutting out paper sharks, of how she was planning on dumping her boy friend on Valentines day in Vancouver because she discovered he had been cheating on her (Glad I don't have the drama!) Then right after I went to the Schafers and had a silly little Valentines party, played some games, then watched a 50's scary movie... Called THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS!! DUM DUM DUM!! I only screamed ONCE! And that's only because everyone was screaming at every silly thing, and when there was an actually real scary scene I was already on edge by that point :) AFTER that I went home and watched a Bollywood chick flick with my sister Cheyenne (Bollywood is Indie Hollywood FYI) Till 2:00 in the morning, It was a fun day! And for once I enjoyed myself. I always had issues with Valentines day growing up. Mostly because I was in Public school for most of it and my impression of Valentines day meant that I had to have a 'boy' and if I didn't then it meant there was something wrong with me. So when I went back to homeschooling I avoided Valentines day like it was the plague. But this year I discovered that Valentines day isn't about silly crushes, and all that lovey dovey nonsense that isn't for my age yet, but it was for people that was important to me, and I cared about like my family, and friends. I may not have made big Fancy Nancy cards for my friends or gave chocolates to my family. But I let them know in a real way that I really do love them, and I can't live with out them. So since you are reading this, and if I didn't give you a big hug for Valentines day for what ever reason then I will give a late belated Valentines hug!




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