Friday, February 1, 2013

Zoning out

Dear Diary,
 I have this strange habit where I zone out.
 I zone out in the middle of a conversation with someone, I zone out while watching a movie and I then have to rewind, I zone out walking in the street, and even zone out in the middle of eating and end up choking, then needing the assistance of someone to slap my back. Because I once again, forgot about the system of chew and swallow. Although my face goes blank, my brain is going all over the place with crazy thoughts. For example...

I was actually in the middle of making lunch one day when I discovered I needed another ingredient for my delicious masterpiece. But when I swung open the fridge door, I instantly zoned out and forgot what I was doing. The world around me no longer existed  All that I was conscious of... was the fridge...

My brain started to get excited at the sound of the bottles that clanked at the door opening so suddenly, that I began to wonder what the fridge would look like inside during an earthquake. So with out hesitation, I wrapped my arms around the fridge. Making sure to keep the door open to see what it looked like inside. I began to shake, but because of my noodle arms containing no muscles, the fridge barely budged. This time finding all the strength from my whole body, and channeling the little strength I had from my abs (Well... the abs I didn't have) I shook the fridge so hard bottles clanked, milk spilt, lettuce danced and I was thrilled by the chaos that was held in this cold box.

Suddenly, I went back into consciousness. The clouds disappeared  the stars faded and the sounds around me finally spilt through my ears. Then I noticed that there was almost no sound to be heard, but a stifled giggle. My family stood there, all with frozen expressions looking at me with disbelief, at my sudden insanity. My father stood a good while off with a sandwich in hand. With wide eyes he questioned Slowly "Tanisha... what... are you doing??". I then became aware of what I was doing. With my arms still around the fridge I took them back and answered "Just wondering what the fridge would look like inside during an earthquake". At that comment my family burst out in laughter. Not with me, because I believed it made total sense. But AT me... What a cruel world.



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