Tuesday, March 12, 2013

The Devil

Dear Diary,
  I heard it again in the darkness of the night. Scratching... it started little by little every night... always taking me by surprise and fear. Fear that the noise would come closer, and it did... Every night the beast became more comfortable to my slow, warm breathing. I would hide under the warmth of my covers and wait till the light of day would stream through my blinds. Making the night monster disappear, slinking back to its hiding spot.

 I go through my day and see where it attacked. Viciously mauling my furniture, moving its way to the garbage. The lack of happy singing birds, curiously missing from every morning. I know it's the monster's doing... What kind of a devilish creature lives in my home?

 Each night it get's closer, until finally my peaceful room becomes disturbed by another presence... I peer out from under my blankets and see it's yellow dragon eyes. It moves an inch closer at every blink my eyes demand. I know I will be its next meal. The devil climbs on to my springy bed, never taking it's eyes off mine. Crouching down, its inhuman heart beat rhythmically to my own. It's claws extend, it's back legs spring. Landing on my face, I scream as the devil rips at my face with its evil fangs. I grabb it by the scruff of its neck, I throw the creature away from me. Switch on the lamp and holler "PHOEBE!! YOU STUPID CAT!! GET OUT OF MY ROOM!" She slinks out of my carpeted bedroom with out taking her beady eyes off of me, hissing her cruel curses at me. When the Devil finally disappears, I flick off the light and sleep peacefully for the rest of the night.


Monday, March 11, 2013

English hotty

Dear Diary,
  I walk into my English class... Set my back-pack down, pulled out my binder, pens, books, and start doodling (out of habit). Unexpectedly, the air around me changes. The boy detector in my brain starts buzzing in my ear. When I finally look up to see what has caused the alarm...In slow motion.... Picture this... The CUTEST... I mean the CUTEST Boy walks in... sloww moottioonn... As he steps through the door my jaw drops. My eyes transfixed! I stop breathing, hoping he doesn't notice my drool as it trickles down my chin, onto my doodle of a submarine. 

 My whole world shatters as I stare this boy down. All of a sudden, his perfect blue eyes meet mine. My eyes widen in terror and embarrassment. I quickly look down at my drool puddle, and wipe my chin. Holy Smokies... I am going to be in the same class as this DUDE?! and he is going to sit ACROSS from me?! Wow... the universe must love me. 

 Yupp :) Although I like to pretend I am too good for guys, or make fun of girls that do the exact same thing that I just did... Its true... I am also a girl... and this is a guy... Dont judge me. 



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