Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday & Girls Camp.

Dear Diary,
Yay! its Sunday! Today at church I learned about "Charity" yup that's right "Charity" I learned that there is more then 1 type of Charity there is the earthly meaning witch is sending money,toys,furniture, and so on to the needy. the other type of Charity is the pure love of Christ, the unconditional love that he gives me and every one else no matter how many sins we commit. I thought that was so cool cause I only knew about the earthly Charity. but I felt the spirit really strong in sunday school it made me feel like my heart was about to burst out with joy.

oh yes I was going to tell you about Girls Camp!!
well I hitched a ride with Olivia De Mare.( you might remember her from my other post.) well she I and also Sierra. ( another Bee Hive, she is a convert, just got baptised like three months ago.) shannon De Mare was driving Shawn De Mare's Truck (Shannon & Shawn are Olivia's parents.) and you have to know shawn and his truck's relationship with each other. WOWIE!! Shawn kept calling shannon every hour, at first i was thinking that he was concerned about his wife and daughter and being a ragular father! but no... I was mistaken he was concerned about his big monster truck baby. haha it was really funny he kept calling to ask if his truck was ok and they where the same words every time.
After a while we kinda got bored, and plus we ran into smog, shannon... ( just so you know Olivia's parents dont like it when I call them mr. or mrs. De mare, sister or brother De mare you know the usual names for your friends parents.) well shannon deasided to tell a scary story. and I told a scary story too. ok I guess bunny's hoping threw the forest isnt very scary but it wore down the scary story with my bunny. later on we finnaly got to Gilrs Camp!!

To Be Continued...


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