Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Old McDonald had a farm.... Ee Ii Ee Ii OO!!

Dear Diary,
Well just so you know... WE MOVED!! I am now living in Brentwood, on a little farm in a littler house. Since we moved in I have been having so much fun! like hauling wood, driving a lawn mower, herding goats, watching baby chicks hatch!! what a perfect time to move on a beautiful farm! SPRING! Since moving in I have gone through a faze like extremely enjoying the farm life! building chicken coops and all. I have been getting super great idea's! like building new fences and painting them white all cute like, buying myself a goose for a pet!, building a new duck hutch for the pond and the ducks of course. its pretty exciting! this place is really coming together!

Easter came and went in such a fashion that I was left jumping up and down in glee! the lessons in Church have been extraordinary, and the egg hunt on Monday was hilarious! (I ended up being thrown in the Duck pond) there was three teams and Cheyenne, Malia, and I all planned out the treasure hunts to find the basket full of chocolate and candies. We had the Andersons and Schafers come and join us on our Easter evening.

Well until next time!!

1 comment:

  1. I am soo excited that you guys finally have a place you can call your own. You are just going to love living there. Brentwood is beautiful. One of the prettiest places on vancouver island. I am glad you had a great easter. I love the Saviour and am grateful for all he has done for us!



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