Sunday, May 1, 2011

clap your hands!

Dear Diary,
I had a great night with all my friends, and family at a farewell party for Coralyn, but there was surprisingly sour air on our trip back home.Sierra got offended way to easily, Cheyenne would make mean remarks, Malia would get into each others business ,me, Shae, and occasionally Cheyenne would stick up for the few people in the van that were being criticized by the others, Mom would be getting frustrated at Dad's driving, and dad would casually take the criticism quietly. All that in one mini van just put us all in an awkward silence. but to all of our relief Shae came to the rescue and broke the silence saying "lets sing a song". that didn't exactly put any of us into a good mood but it made my mom chirp up and sing "if your happy and you know it clap your hands!"
Think about it! if your in a grumpy mood a old dumb primary song isn't going to brighten your heart, but for some reason one by one, me and my sisters would make a little giggle Shae started with a clap and sang along, then dad would sing along but not clap so to keep us safe from a car accident. and then me without meaning to, slipped out a little giggle that resulted in a clap too. After I started in singing Cheyenne started up and then Malia started, by the next verses we all started clapping, stomping, and making our "hooray!"'s, But strangely enough Sierra still had her hands cupped at her face in frustration until we noticed that her shoulders were moving in the way of laughter and then she started laughing and singing along as well. by the end of the fourth verse my mom asked if we were all happy yet. and we all yelled "yes!" except sierra who said "no" in a jokingly, sarcastic way.
I am extremely happy for the gift of music,family, and primary cause if it wasn't for those 3 things I would never have learned from that experience. How we should all be a peace maker at those times of contention and frustration all it takes is a silly little primary song.


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