Sunday, May 8, 2011


Have you ever wondered
What you would do
If the mother that’s your mother
Had never had you?

You might have been born
To a big Kangaroo
Down in Australia
Or out at the zoo
Or perhaps a hippo
Would’ve given birth to you
Way down in Africa
Really, what would you do?

And what if your mother
Had been a Klifter
The kind that stands skulking
On top of Mount Jister
And what if, while skulking,
(Which is what all Klifters do)
She didn’t care what you might do?

So she wouldn’t notice as you
Climbed the Gigantalim tree
The only plant on top of Jister
As far as you can see

But as you were up there
The big tree trunk could bend down
And as you were up there
Looking around
A giant feathered-Sift bird
Could land on your shoulder
Mistaking you for part of the arbor

And as everyone knows
The feather-Sift bird
Is a thousand times heavier
Than the average bird
So when you would move
Startled, away,
The silly Sift bird would fall off
In disarray

But the Gigantalim tree,
Bent down to the ground
Would fling you way up
And if you made a sound

You might call to mother Klifter
“Help me please!”
But that would only get carried off
In the high mountain breeze

And then you’d start falling
But Mount Jister’s so high
You’d fall upwards!
Up past the sky!

So you’d fall on upwards
Higher and higher
Till you passed the stars
And the tiny star-lighters

Then where would you be?
And what would you do?
What would you do
If your mother hadn’t had you?

So thank your lucky stars
You were lucky to be
So lucky to be born to
The mother you see
Sitting there smiling
(She’s lucky too.
She knows that she’s lucky to have
Had lucky you!)

So give her a kiss
And give her a hug
And tell her you love her
(You lucky bug!)

Because I know I wouldn’t be
Happy here today
If I didn’t have my mother
To set me on my way

Love you mom
For forever, and a day.

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