Thursday, January 10, 2013

"I need help"

Dear Diary,
 Malia, Cheyenne, Zeek and I went on an adventure today. It was such an enjoyable adventure filled with sitting under a blanket tent on top of a mountain, playing tag in the park, and watching the sun go down as we chased seagulls on the beach. Driving home from our fun time we suddenly got a craving for something bad. Probably because we have all been strict on ourselves with what kind of food we consume, this crazed junk food craving led us to A&W. (Which I regret so much now... because I feel so nasty inside!)

After eating, Zeek went into the Mens bathroom and told me to wait out side the door because I already had to explain to him that girl's can't go into boy's bathrooms. So while I was waiting I heard lots of noise going on inside. I hear a slam, a pitter patter of little running feet and water making all kinds of splashing sounds. Next thing I know I see the door swing open beside me and there stands little 4 year old Zeek. Yelling out, so all of A&W could hear "I NEED HELP". Obviously I am not going into the mens bathroom to check it out (I am too wimpy). So I take him into the girls bathroom wash his hands and hope what ever he did in the bathroom wasn't THAT bad...

Sorry A&W employees for what ever surprise my 4 year old cousin has left you!


Sunday, January 6, 2013

The Adventures of a 2 year old.

Dear Diary,
There once lived this 2 year old that liked to get into everything.
Her name is Agnes, but I like to call her Aggy.
Most of the time I don't notice her getting into things, until its too late.
 For example:
Aggy asks for a drink of water. So me wanting to be a good human being, I gave her a cup of water. That was a bad idea, because that showed her HOW to get the water. I walk out of the room for a couple seconds, then walk back into the kitchen.
There she was, with out a shirt...dumping water on the floor and throwing bits of dog food to make her delicious, kitchen floor stew just THAT much more tasty. To my horror she then bent down to drink from her creation on the floor. Grabbing her I run to the bathroom, sit her on the toilet and run to drop a towel on the kitchen floor. But to my amazement once I run back to aid the sopping wet 2 year old, I find she has also learned how to use the bathroom sink as well! I grab her again under one arm, and reach for another towel to soak up the new mess on the bathroom floor and take her to the living room to wait as I clean the bathroom. once I get to the 'delicious stew' on the kitchen floor I noticed that Aggy made it back to the kitchen, to grab another drink of water, but not from the mess on the floor no... but from the dog dish.... shrieking in horror I grab her once more. I put her under an arm as I fumble around the living room in search of a remote. I click on 'Max & Ruby', flop her on the couch and instantly she is glued to the TV. I now have a safe chance to run around the house with towels and spoons. The towels to soak up the puddles all over the house, and the spoons to scoop up the soggy dog food from the floor. Before I get back to the living room I grab a shirt for Aggy and pull it over her mischievous smile. kneeling down to her height I plea "Please Aggy.... can that be enough adventuring for one day?"

-The Exhausted,

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Tanisha is terrible at partying. 2013

Dear Diary,
 2013 is here!! And we didn't die! Woohoo!! That was actually the worst apocalypse ever. I feel bad for the people that didn't plan their lives after December 21st!

Believe it or not, but I was invited to a ton of parties for New Years this time! I felt super popular! But me being my anti social self, decided I didn't really want to hang out with my friends but stay home and celebrate with my family. We had some of my older sister Malia's YSA friends come by with a ton of instruments and big speakers. I was in a mellow mood, so I ditched everyone for a chocolate muffin in my moms bed and my dads computer as I watched Star trek the motion picture (Very first movie made) It was actually killer boring at the beginning... I admit it.. So I stopped to watch X factor on Youtube. Yay! Tanisha is terrible at partying!! This was how I spent 9 hours... I am just a little ashamed, but I feel like everyone needs a little mellow party for themselves every once in a while!

SO if you are ever feeling the need to escape a party, I suggest stuffing your shirt with a bunch of junk, find an empty room, and a TV or computer and party it up! I can actually see myself doing this during my wedding reception...So when the bride is missing from the scene and the groom is frantically searching for her, then you will know where she will be!! (The bathroom floor stuffing herself with cake.)



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