Saturday, February 7, 2009

day at the beach

dear diary,
today was DA best!! ha ha it was really fun. Malia, sierra and I all went to the beach for a sister,sister,sister date. we found the most perfect little mermaid rock too in the water, i got on it and was trying to make the pose. but it didn't work... you know how in the movie the water plashes up in really dramatic way and its the best part of the movie!? well it did that with me, but it just all fell on me... the moment is ruined. all well!! sierra found the tire swings and fell in love with them. i had to teach her how to get on it cause she is still really short, once she got on the swing the fun was ruined once Malia and I got there. and yes its because we swung her so hard that it made her sick. the weird thing was ,was that i got more sick of watching her when i was pushing/twisting her then her being on the tire. and no i am not kidding ask Malia!! i almost barfed watching them. oh and sierra lost her shoe in the deep part of the ocean, some mermaid is probably trying it on, but that's OK that the mermaid only has one shoe because, well you know why.
any ways gotta go Malia is a butt head.
p.s. its Ellie's birthday today!! 4 years old!! shes getting old!!

1 comment:

  1. That sounds like super fun , the mermaid moment!!!! love you angel girl!!!



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