Monday, February 7, 2011

Esther and the King

Dear Diary,
remember TYC? Well I guess the leaders were pretty sad that they couldn't continue gathering the youth together and working through hard labor of dance steps and sing-song practices they decided that they would start another big youth production! Its called Esther and the King. you probably know this story from child hood bed time stories or veggie tales (my favorite), or even in church classes, well we are doing a musical production of it. so now we are meeting every Saturday night to sing, dance, and repeat. I am a villager (meaning the extra's that couldn't fit in with any of the major parts) But even though when ever people ask who I am in the musical, and I say "a villager" and they say "oh I am sorry about that" - putting pity into there voices or saying something insulting like "ha ha that stinks" well I am quite happy with my part. I don't have to sing solo! and the spot light isn't really on me! so that means I don't get stage fright! (I get really bad case of stage fright by the way) plus during the rehearsals I don't have to do much and they are not leading me into room after room to rehearse things I already rehearsed last Saturday. And they barely know I am missing for a water break. ha ha life is good. well I actually I love going to Saturday rehearsals. because as you know I am a home school-er and so this is one of my good ways to get some social life in my life at home.

Well last Saturday they introduced the choreography to us. It was hard stuff! but after a while I got the hang of it, (either then slapping someone in the face once in a while- unintentionally of course) but I discovered how difficult it is to put dancing the right steps and arm movements and singing the right words, and as loud as I can IN TUNE is EXTREMELY hard! well.. not that hard, but hard enough that I would find myself giggling in the middle of the song because I tripped over my own foot and crashed into the person next to me. well wish me luck! Cause here comes another Saturday this week!(even though its one of the best parts of the week)


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