Sunday, February 20, 2011

news, NeWs, NEWS!

Dear Diary,
well you wouldnt believe it! we are moving! AGAIN! we are moving to Sidney a nice little farm, and a smaller little house but we will be renivating! when i first heard this news i was so shocked i didnt speak. i guess the reason for that was because i was so unsure. i have moved from house to house, from place ot place all my life. i have never lived in the same house for more then a year. plus the last time we BOUGHT a house... the house was filled with black mold, which made living in it not so good of an idea. so we ended up homeless. after that experience i just started to block off all excitement from buying a house, because i guess i was just scared. Anyway, so when my mom called me while i was at the Pringles house that we bought a house, I was filled with doubt and filled with stress, and unsureness. but after i hung up the phone i got a blast of realization! this was an answer to my prayers! i have been fasting and praying for days that me and my family will find a home that we will comfortably live in and we wont have to move anymore and start real roots. and so i prayed right at that moment for thanks. and went on with my day. so we are officailly moving to sidney ward! no turning back now. - that was on Valentines day. i will have to send a picture of it to my picture album! so COMING SOON!

the other bit of news!:KGB
well so since everyone found out suddenly, we were invited by the schafers to go to there Mutual activity. which was KGB if you dont know what it is then let me tell you! ---> there is a beginning spot and a finnish line, everyone has to run from the beginning to the finnish line, but its in the dark, on the streets. anyway you have to get to the finnished line with out being caught by certain people driving in cars, if your caught your out of the game. and the first person or team wins! so thats what we played and it was super crazy! my team was elsie,shae, and Miki (our exchange student)
so when we played this game we ended up crossing through some rich guys field thinking its a short cut cause we got lost, but then since we did that we went off the map and had to do a major back track! over and over again we wold accidently find ourselves in dead ends, and had to keep back tracking! it was chaotic i just have to say! anyway we finnally got a couple of blocks away around when we were sick of droping to the muddy ground everytime a car drove by that we ended up getting caught by Landon Anderson and Bro. Greenwood. it was so fun! and i hope to do it again so i can do it properly the next time!

oh and the other news....hmmm I cant remember oops! but I remember it was important... OH NEVER MIND I REMEBER! the PROWS's are here!! its been so fun! And it snowed! and we have been playing in the snow!!
It was so weird when I first saw them because they came as a surprise, anyway Sam shot up so tall I didnt even recognize him! And when I did see becca I realized it was sam!! it was so awesome! anyway that was my super great news! I will write more! but until then... Live long and Prosper.


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