Sunday, January 1, 2012


Dear Diary,
Guess what day it is today? RIGHT! New years day!! It is officially 2012 so you better get your food storage going! (By the way, I personally don't believe 2012 is the end of the world, I just like joking around about it, though you should get your food storage going anyway.) Its about that time to start thinking about a "New Years Resolution", if you don't have any good idea's of what your Resolution should be, I found some "Top Ten New Years Resolutions" and if you don't find anything good in this list then hopefully you will get an idea.

1.Spend more time with Family & Friends
"Thumbs up"-says ME!
2.Fit in Fitness
Do jumping-jacks the moment you get up! (Just an Example)
3.Tame the Bulge
Lets face it... McDonalds is Junk, KFC is Garbage, and Subway ALL THE WAY!!
4.Quite Smoking
I still need to work on this one... JUST KIDDING!
5.Enjoy life more.
Don't be such a worry wart! And live life to the fullest!
6.Quit Drinking
But don't stop drinking water because thats unhealthy.
7.Get out of debt.
pay off that Chick magnet! (Car) Not saying that I am attracted to cars or anything....
8.Learn something new.
Three things:
-In Ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.
-When you die your hair still grows for a couple months.
-The Sound of E.T. Walking was made by someone squishing her hands in Jelly.
Congrats you learned at least one new thing this year!
9.Help others.
Helping an old lady cross the street never gets old.
10.Get Organized
I failed that one, you can practically swim on my floor, if you are willing to try it.

I guess I should tell you what my Resolution is now, actually I have two. First is to work on my Talents, so that I can be better in the area's of Music, Art, Dancing, Gardening, and so forth, Because I really don't have all the time in the world!Second is to Excel in Seminary! which means "quit sleeping in" its a hard one but I am sure I can do it! hope you find a great goal!

Also if you are interested (which you should be) My cousin Shae has started her own blog! look her up! She definitely has a way with words and its enjoyable to read her entries.
her Blog is called -

Until next time,
Tanisha Carter


  1. i think your drinking habit is out of control!

    1. I am working on it! don't rush these things Dana!



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