Monday, April 26, 2010

"I love to see the Temple"

Dear Diary,
Friday we went as a family to the temple open house, it was absolutely beautiful!its a small temple but makes you feel so happy. Inside of the Temple was magnificent! the baptismal font was breath taking with once more the 12 oxen at the bottom, right when we walked in there Zeeky went "WOOOW!" obviously he loved it too. the sealing room held the spirit so strong but the most spiritual room was the Celestial room the lights where over whelming and no even spoke! the art in the temple was gorgeous and I couldn't keep my eyes off, there was a lot more art in that temple then I have ever seen in any others. It was the best experience.

I should probably tell you about TYC by now... well TYC stands for "Temple Youth Celebration" its when all the youth get together and practice dances,songs,acting's, and so on! then we go to the place where the new temple is built (well some where around there) and do the dances and all that as a HUGE show! in this stadium place!(i think..) and the prophet will be there too!! SO EXCITING! so for the last couple months we have been getting together (all the youth) and practicing Wednesdays and Saturdays. and now Thursday we are headed off to Vancouver to do the show! ON THURSDAY!!! if you would like any more info please go to....

great info!! and if your interested in what kind of dances we are doing then....



  1. Make sure you take tonnes of pictures because I dying to see you girls out there dancing!
    I wish I could be there, so make sure you record this historic event!!

  2. Hey Diary girl, when are you going to update!!

  3. oh my dana there was so much to write about on the TYC i forgot about it! its been so long. but there is a video coming out for each family that was in TYC so i am sure i can find a way to have you watch it!



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