Sunday, April 25, 2010


Dear diary,
(This happened on Friday but it was great!)
the carter family and Pringle family I highly suggest you go. But just to explain it to you its a store of home appliances, beds,couches,plates,plants,lights,decorations, etc. anyways it is so fun to be in there! but do you know whats makes it the best experience!? hide and go seek in IKEA! if you have never played hide and go seek in IKEA then you should putt that on your "list of things before you die".so we played hide and go seek in IKEA and I wasn't found even once! really I didn't hide most of the time just followed the person that was it from a distance and every time they would turn around I would duck and hide. But either then that, I really just acted casual. the people that were playing was me,Olivia,Andrew,Shawn,Sierra,Angus,and Shae, in this HUGE store with more places to hide in then any other place! Once I hid in a shower, And another time a closet. hide and go seek in IKEA is not immature but an adventure. That day I discovered that an adventure can come anywhere! And I had fun doing it. many times I have been told to live my life to the fullest because I wont be a kid forever.


Thanks to IKEA

1 comment:

  1. I am glad you are taking that advice! Yes you will not be a kid forever so enjoy it!!

    Love you
    Auntie Day



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