Monday, April 19, 2010

Farm Chaos & a sunday afternoon

I know I haven't written in here for a LONG while, So for now on I will try harder to write in both my journal and my blog! (since both are very important!).So here I am in Victoria, Vancouver Island, BC Canada. The most beautiful place I know of! And I just got inside from chasing the pigs ,and yelling "pigs pigs!! come on!!" because turns out I went out to feed them ,and they got a little too excited... as in, breaking down the electric wire ,and jumping over the hirer wires.I ended up chasing them about trying to get them back inside there fence but the problem is, is that there scared of the wire because its electric.... but there not afraid to jump over it or under it or even trip it off?! yep that pigs for ya. there smart for a second and then they loose there smartness. Next thing I know there running in and out of the horse stalls to harass the horses, and they did a good job of it to. the chickens are happy though, while the pigs were running about the chickens got to eat the food that the pigs left behind to freak out the horses. And for a while the farm became chaos.But that's what I love about farms. there is never a day with out excitement!

yesterday(Sunday after church) the family headed off to Kara's house to have a Sunday family BBQ, FUN FUN FUN! Zeek loved it, the dogs loved it.... maybe a little too much so we putt a baby fence up so they couldn't come up the porch. and we all loved it! we even watched Hercules to! we where going to watch Mary Poppins but my dad insisted we didn't so we ended up just watching Hercules ,and singing along with squeely high pitched voices and getting most words wrong just to annoy my dad. oh how I love to annoy my dad!
Zeek couldn't keep still most of the time because you now how toddlers are! cant sit still for more then a 3 minutes. so what he did while watching the movie was move from place to place in different spots. like sit next to me, next to Malia,next to dad, on a little red chair,on the ground,in front of the TV and so on. but you gotta love him. After that day I realized how much I love to spend time with my family. Its the most fun I get to have! Just sitting out side and enjoying the Sunday air was breathtaking. I could do it over and over again.

Tanisha Carter

p.s. oh ya! and I am planning on writing some more family Carter News! once I get the computer to work the way I want it to....


1 comment:

  1. Oh how I love days with family. I am glad that you updated your blog. I can't wait to hear about your Carter news. And about the birds if they all survive then I will be selling the extra. I am going to keep one and raise it to be my little friend. I am glad to see that all is well with you! Love you lots



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