Tuesday, August 25, 2009

improvements :)

Dear Diary,
Today I am at the library, looking at cake decor books. I am really interested in it!! my mom says I can take a class on cake decorating at Micheal's I am pretty excited!!! Also I have been trying to do as much service around as I can!! At least three things I usually wouldn't do.
We have the piggy's!! yippee! there is one boy and one girl the boy lets me pet him but the girl doesn't Sierra ,and I call them Max ,and Ruby. there very sweet!
guess what! we are now going to move into Dancerwood!! yaaaa!!! since it is super expensive we are going to have 2 students in 2 rooms which stinks cause then we don't get our own bedrooms!! awww man!!! ha ha! the sad part is that my dad might not be able to live with us...because of the job situation. but!!! thats what praying is for!! My mom is very happy to be here, you can just tell! she is always up and about and always waring a smile!! I am thinking this is one of the best improvements since we have moved from Florida!!

see ya alligator!!!!





  1. Tanisha,

    what a great thing that you get to live so close to nana and grandpa. I hope you guys spend lots of time with them. Please give them big hugs and kisses from me. Also, I need to go and give Sierra, Cheyenne and Malia a really big snuggly hug from me! Even if you don't want to, you tell them that I am making you! Now I want you guys to have lots of fun and let your imaginations run wild while you live at Dancerwood. I think I buried a small treasure by the large deciduous tree in the front right hand side of the property and he stands all alone. I am sure I put it by a rock. We'll have to look for it. Tanisha, while you are praying for your Dad to join you guys pray that We can move out there.

  2. oh Dana!! that would be so great!! i am praying every night that you will come and live here with us as well as my dad!! no worries!! we are in heavenly fathers hands!! i am sure he has a great plan for us!!



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