Thursday, August 20, 2009

catching up....

Dear Diary,
So hello!! ya I know its been forever since I last typed on my blog but it was because I was SUPER busy... I have HUGE news though!! We moved back to Canada!! yippee!! we moved to Victoria on Vancouver Island. Its sooooo beautiful here!! I just love looking out side the window every chance I get. My mom my sisters and I have been staying at my great uncle Shawn's house. before I was staying in a tent in the back yard, it was SUPER cold!!!
yippee!! its Blackberry season!! my sisters ,and I have been going every place possible to gather (and eat...) blackberries. now I always walk in the house with purple fingers!!! yummm... I haven't made a ton of friends yet but thats because its summer. no worries!!! they will be coming soon!!
also I got a video camera for $200!! and I paid for from my own pocket!!! I haven't been able to make any more videos because I have already filled it up!!
before we moved to Victoria we went to the EVERGLADES!! it was our first time going there.( it is sorta weird that we never went there when we lived in Florida, for three years...) HOLY SMOKES!! We got to see a live alligator cross the street!!! I was so wanting to pet it but Cheyenne kept poling my away!! all well! after that 2 days later we went for a day trip to NEW YORK CITY!!! wow!! it was super busy and we looked like tourists because we had back packs and a suit case(even though we where tourists Cheyenne was super in barest because she doesn't like to look like one.. she likes to blend in..) we went to china town and the museum of natural history .(the same one in "night at the museum" its a movie)
to bad Malia wasn't there to be with us for all of it!! she was traveling all over the place to see family and friends but I guess we both got our share of fun!!

Well gotta run!! see ya!!



1 comment:

  1. Hey Tanisha! sounds like you are having tons of fun! I love the update keep writing in your Blog Diary!
    Love you Auntie Dana



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