Monday, July 16, 2012

Tofino caught on camera.

Dear Diary!
 Just got back from camping in Tofino! I just so happened to snatch the camera away from my mom and these are just a few of my favourite pictures from the bunch! I very much enjoyed capturing the fun moments with my family and friends on camera! 
(None of these photo's have been edited in any way)
Take a look! 
Kris and his Cheetos

Top is focused on Bianca Bottom is focused on Rueben.
They didn't notice I was taking pictures of them.
Mwaha!  Caught them in the moment!

She was actually in the middle of running away from me
when she saw I was pointing a camera at her.
But turns out that backfired! love the pig tails in action! 
Nate & Teyauna: Two of the cutest todds I know! 

Me and Alyssa got a bit carried away.
I discovered it was hard to take a picture of your own shadow.
(me on left & Alyssa on Right)

This is my favourite picture of Alyssa & Bianca's craziness caught on camera!
The best part? They didn't know I was taking this picture of them! HA!

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Day 3

Day 3: Favorite food
My favorite food is JELLOO!!! It just brings me so much joy while eating it! It sways as I scoop it and it jiggles while I giggle! When I first saw the movie 'Cloudy with a chance of meatballs' The jello scene made me so happy! I wish I could make a Jello kingdom!

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Day 2

DAY 2: Your favorite animal
My favorite animal is the BLACK BEAR!! They are so cute and... black! I love all kinda of animals and I just couldn't choose which one was my favorite! But one day in elementary school a little girl came up to me and said "Tanisha! What is your favorite animal!?" I answered with "ALL ANIMALS!!" She looked at me disappointed and said her favorite was the dolphin... then our sad conversation ended. After that I went home and thought REALLYY hard what could be my favorite animal if I had to choose just one! I looked on my bed and there he was...Mr. Teddy. I love bears! I discovered I loved them so much that I strangled one every night! (Slept) But I must say the black bear is my favorite out of all the bears. And I happily have them living right here on the island!


Friday, May 18, 2012

Day 1

Day one: Yourself (Myself)
When I read the first challenge to draw myself I thought "Eh! That will be EASY!" And then once I got a pen and paper in hand I went blank. "I can't just draw myself! I have to get my personality into these pictures!" Soo I decided to draw my self flying. I have always wanted to fly. To talk with the birds, and spend some quality time with the stars. (As you can see, I forgot to add clouds and such. But I think you get the idea!)


Drawing Challenge

Dear Diary,
I have a wonderfully wonderful idea! Well... it was actually Cheyenne's Idea (Check out her art blog @ which she actually got the idea from Morgan (Check out her blog @ she actually got the idea from
ANYWAY! Point is... is that its a great idea! Its called....DRUM ROLL PLEASE!!!

I know, it doesn't sound so interesting right off the bat. But when you see my beautiful (awful) doodles then you will think its an amazing idea!
Here is the list of drawing I must get to, starting TODAY!

Day 1 - Yourself
Day 2 - Favorite animal
Day 3 - Favorite food
Day 4 - Favorite place
Day 5 - Best friend
Day 6 - Favorite book
Day 7 - Favorite movie
Day 8 - Favorite animated character
Day 9 - Favorite TV show
Day 10 - Favorite Candy
Day 11 - Turning point in your life
Day 12 - Most recent accomplishment
Day 13 - Favorite comic
Day 14 - Favorite fairytale
Day 15 - Family picture
Day 16 - inspiration
Day 17 - Favorite plant
Day 18 - Just a doodle
Day 19 - Something new
Day 20 - Something orange
Day 21 - Something you want
Day 22 - Something you miss
Day 23 - Something you need
Day 24 - A couple
Day 25 - Scenery
Day 26 - Something you don't like
Day 27 - Something you love
Day 28 - Anything you'd like
Day 29 - A place you want to go
Day 30 - A congratulation Banner for completing this challenge!

So stay up to date with my blog posts for the next 30 days! I promise my mad art skillz wont get boring!


Wednesday, May 16, 2012


Dear Diary,
I joined a Lacrosse team, its so fun! This is my first time playing Lacrosse ever, but I seemed to have picked it up really quick. Although I am kind of super clumsy and fall randomly, I seem to do it a tad bit less on the field! Maybe because the cleats give me more support?! Who knows, I am just glad it's working out.

 I know what you might be thinking "Wow Tanisha you're so violent!" Or "What a woMAN!" But sorry to inform you... Girls Lacrosse is a 'No contact' sport. "BOO!!" (Says the audience) I KNOW! Every time someone catches the ball in their net I have to keep my self from tripping them as they run past or whacking them upside the head. Its even harder to stop myself in mid air when I am flying to pounce on them! BUT I have self control I discovered.
 Besides if I did play the game like that then there would be a lot of bloody noses. The only gear we wear is a mouth guard... and skirts. Yupp Girls in skirts and mouth guards! What an intense sport!

Okay enough of making fun of Women's lacrosse... because technically I play it! AND GLAD I DO! Its super fun! So if you ever just so happen to see me during a game and I am clutching my stick so hard it makes my knuckles white, just know thats me using self control. WINK!


Sunday, April 22, 2012


Do you like to stalk me and are now wondering what kind of music I am into? Well let me tell you!! I have now added a music playlist on my blog! CHECK IT OUT! ------->


Saturday, February 18, 2012

Valentines Day

Dear Diary,
I know I am late posting for Valentines day! But this valentines day was different from most.
Every valentines in my life has been the same. Wake up, go on with my day and then half way through remember it was Valentines day and quickly cut out a couple hearts for my closest friends then go home and sleep. Nothing special! BUT THIS TIME!! I truly failed with the Valentines making. I helped decorate cookies for the team at work (The Shaw Ocean Discovery Center) and discussed with a coworker while cutting out paper sharks, of how she was planning on dumping her boy friend on Valentines day in Vancouver because she discovered he had been cheating on her (Glad I don't have the drama!) Then right after I went to the Schafers and had a silly little Valentines party, played some games, then watched a 50's scary movie... Called THE INVASION OF THE BODY SNATCHERS!! DUM DUM DUM!! I only screamed ONCE! And that's only because everyone was screaming at every silly thing, and when there was an actually real scary scene I was already on edge by that point :) AFTER that I went home and watched a Bollywood chick flick with my sister Cheyenne (Bollywood is Indie Hollywood FYI) Till 2:00 in the morning, It was a fun day! And for once I enjoyed myself. I always had issues with Valentines day growing up. Mostly because I was in Public school for most of it and my impression of Valentines day meant that I had to have a 'boy' and if I didn't then it meant there was something wrong with me. So when I went back to homeschooling I avoided Valentines day like it was the plague. But this year I discovered that Valentines day isn't about silly crushes, and all that lovey dovey nonsense that isn't for my age yet, but it was for people that was important to me, and I cared about like my family, and friends. I may not have made big Fancy Nancy cards for my friends or gave chocolates to my family. But I let them know in a real way that I really do love them, and I can't live with out them. So since you are reading this, and if I didn't give you a big hug for Valentines day for what ever reason then I will give a late belated Valentines hug!



Thursday, January 19, 2012

Sledding Accident.

Dear Diary,
Something so terrible happened! It has snowed like crazy here!! schools are closed, and lots of the city's store's are closed till the roads get better. Since School is out, all the kids pull out their sleds that have been hiding in the shed over the summer, and find the steepest hill to zip down! Me and my siblings were part of this sledding endeavor. Cheyenne, Sierra, Shae, Me, Gok, Jaryd,and Jacob Palfrey went to a road called Haliburton road that was super steep! This hill was curved and sketchy, but as dumb kids we found it as an adventure ready to be conquered. We all go one by one, Zipping down the hill with uncontrollable speed. Being the wimp I am, I went down slowly keeping my legs in front to stop me every once in a while when I felt like I was going to fast. I didn't like the idea of not knowing what was on the bottom of the hill so in my own way, I was scoping it out. half way to the bottom, a cement road block comes into view to greet me. I stop myself a couple feet from it pick up the sled and decide this hill is to dangerous. On my way to tell everyone that the hill we were sledding down probably wasn't the safest choice, I see Jacob and Shae sharing a tube, speed past me. My eyes follow them as they go down the hill and watch as the tube starts to turn around, which puts them in the position of flying down the hill backwards. I yell out to watch out but it was no use. They crashed right into the Cement road block, Shae hitting it right on, and snaps her leg on the side of the cement block. I hear, her yelling but I can't make out the words. It sounds like she is laughing but why would she still be lying down? I laugh nervously yelling to her "NICE WIPE OUT!" Then I understand what she is yelling.. "I CANT FEEL MY LEG!" suddenly I realize her laughing actually sounds like crying. I run down the hill in desperation as fast as I can, dropping my sled. I find her with her hood covering her face. I lift it up praying that she is laughing, and I realize she is crying, streams of tears covering her face. I look to her legs trying to figure out what is going on, and I see her left leg looks odd. I lift it at around the calf area and find that it flops in an unnatural way, Shae screams out in pain, I spring into action. "SHAE BROKE HER LEG!!" I scream with desperation. My hand reaches for the phone in my jacket and fumbles for the numbers that first come to my head. As I run up the hill as fast I can the phone is ringing in my ear, and kids are rushing down the hill looking at my distressed face as we cross each others paths. Finally a voice interups my thoughts through my ear. "Hello?", "MOM! SHAE BROKE HER LEG! WHAT DO I DO?"I yell into the phone trying to stay calm. "Shae WHAT? Call 911 quick!" I hung-up with out saying good bye. I reach the top of the hill and tell Jaryd that Shae broke her leg. He looks at me with shock and runs down the hill with out a single word and I break out in a steady run down the hill trying not to slip at the same time and fumbling on the tiny blackberry punching the numbers '911' in and slamming the phone up to my ear once more, waiting with urgency for a voice... Finally- "911 what is your emergency?" I try to steady my voice but it doesn't seem to work ."WE WeRe SLedDinG aNd MY CouSIn BRokE hEr LEG!" My voice wobbles, while I try to keep in my tears and from blacking out. The lady on the other end tells me to wait, and a man comes onto the line and asks where I am. "I Am aT HiLBurTon RoAD" I got to the bottom of the hill to find Shae's head on top of Cheyenne's lap, crying saying "It hurts so bad!". The man on the other end of the line interrupts my panicky thoughts once more. "What did you say?" I realized that I was no help at all, so I quickly tell the man to talk to my friend, I shove the phone into Jaryd's face "Tell them where we are" I say to him. Jaryd takes and phone and calmly tells the paramedics all the details. I kneel down to Shae sprawled on the ground and notice her green face. I reassure her that everything is going to be okay and that an ambulance is coming for her.

The Ambulance came 10 minutes later following close was my dad and my sister Malia. By that time I had already ran up and down the hill 6 times trying to keep my sanity.The paramedics had all the men carry up Shae. Never, since I have known her have I heard her scream, and cry in so much agony when they carried her to the top of that hill.

Shae is now in the hospital, she just finished getting surgery, and they are now in the middle of mending her leg now.

I have discovered how brave my Shae is. She kept Surprisingly calm for a broken girl, and I was the one freaking out. I did what I could at the moment, but when I witness an accident My mind just doesn't process properly like other peoples might. I am just glad Shae just broke her leg and didn't crack her head or worse. I love my Shae! This whole thing has been devastating to me! It was hard to see her in that state, and I have missed her terribly! I love you Shae!


Sunday, January 1, 2012


Dear Diary,
Guess what day it is today? RIGHT! New years day!! It is officially 2012 so you better get your food storage going! (By the way, I personally don't believe 2012 is the end of the world, I just like joking around about it, though you should get your food storage going anyway.) Its about that time to start thinking about a "New Years Resolution", if you don't have any good idea's of what your Resolution should be, I found some "Top Ten New Years Resolutions" and if you don't find anything good in this list then hopefully you will get an idea.

1.Spend more time with Family & Friends
"Thumbs up"-says ME!
2.Fit in Fitness
Do jumping-jacks the moment you get up! (Just an Example)
3.Tame the Bulge
Lets face it... McDonalds is Junk, KFC is Garbage, and Subway ALL THE WAY!!
4.Quite Smoking
I still need to work on this one... JUST KIDDING!
5.Enjoy life more.
Don't be such a worry wart! And live life to the fullest!
6.Quit Drinking
But don't stop drinking water because thats unhealthy.
7.Get out of debt.
pay off that Chick magnet! (Car) Not saying that I am attracted to cars or anything....
8.Learn something new.
Three things:
-In Ancient Rome it was considered a sign of leadership to be born with a crooked nose.
-When you die your hair still grows for a couple months.
-The Sound of E.T. Walking was made by someone squishing her hands in Jelly.
Congrats you learned at least one new thing this year!
9.Help others.
Helping an old lady cross the street never gets old.
10.Get Organized
I failed that one, you can practically swim on my floor, if you are willing to try it.

I guess I should tell you what my Resolution is now, actually I have two. First is to work on my Talents, so that I can be better in the area's of Music, Art, Dancing, Gardening, and so forth, Because I really don't have all the time in the world!Second is to Excel in Seminary! which means "quit sleeping in" its a hard one but I am sure I can do it! hope you find a great goal!

Also if you are interested (which you should be) My cousin Shae has started her own blog! look her up! She definitely has a way with words and its enjoyable to read her entries.
her Blog is called -

Until next time,
Tanisha Carter


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