Monday, December 14, 2009


dear diary,
I haven't been writing in my blog for a long time! I feel really bad. but the good news is is that I have been writing in my actual journal a lot more! and its snowing!! yay! yes its true to all the people telling me I have been slacking on the blogging stuff ,and yes your right! but don't worry I will try try again!

here is some info!
-I have now moved into the Dancerwood house.
-Uncle shawn now has pigs on the farm.
-Its snowing.
-Me and malia went busking on saturday.
-Christmas is coming up!
-Malia and cheyenne planned a surprise party for my 13th birthday.
-And a lot more that i cant think of at the moment.

OH OH OH!! I REMEMBER NOW!! I got into a robotics team with these people:


We made a robot and put it in a tournament, We got second place!! and now we are going to the finals in Vancouver! It may not sound interesting but it was surprisingly fun! It took 3 months to make that Robot and to program it, If you want more info ask in a comment on this post.

Tanisha Carter

Saturday, September 12, 2009

a day with my dad.

Dear Diary,
AS you may know my father is now with me ,and my family as well as Trekkie Brown.( and yes he was named after star trek.) Nana ,and mom had me do the IMPOSSIBLE!! AHHHH!! ARE YOU READY FOR THIS?

dum dum dum dum...

pick black berries....

Yes I know how could they putt me at such risk!? who knows what could have happened to me! I could have burned my skin so badly that it would ash off ,and then my parents would have a hard time looking at me because I was a skin-lis scary person!! ,or I could have eaten one of the berries that where poisonous! or a bird could have done a bird bomb on me and that would be the end of Tanisha!! how could they do it to me!? to tell you the truth I hate black Berrie picking! GA! its not fun, its not boring, its annoying!! ,and dangerous as you can tell by the things I just noted. my mom putt me at risk because my Nana wants to make a black Berrie pie. how nice...
luckily for me I have a wonderful father that came to the rescue to help me pick them! Nana helped to and sierra was forced against her own will. SO there I was in the scorching hot field with my dad humming a tune ,and my little sister ditching me.(obviously she was pretty sure there was going to be a killer dear attack her so she crept away slowly good thinking sierra!) ,and my Nana leaving to go catch her in the act. I decided if I cant beat em, join em, so I became black Berrie warrior with my black berries smeared over my face ,and with no one going to stop me. I had to move fast or that bird would be ready to let that bomb go. I pretty much had to convince my dad that the black Berrie juice was blood .and I was dieing I was pretty convinced my self but he didn't take me to the hospital... anyways. it was nice to be with my dad he gave me a good attitude ,and I got through it ,and ya big surprise huh? that deer was watching me and the sun was whipping my skin I could already feel it coming off but I survived!! yaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!!
later on it took a while for us to decide what to do I was all ready but of course when people get older they have to discuss ,and make sure of things even after its all planned. worsed of all it was hard to get every one out the door. but after that every thing was all gooood. I finished another book ,and got new books to that I am going to read tomorrow ,and tonight... STOP!! GR I'm getting side tracked! OK anyways. we headed off to inner harbor. and we watched the most funniest guy to tricks and acts and play jokes and run in slow mosh-en!! ahh... that was fun... we gave him a tooney after that we headed off to brake water light house it was fun and I met this guy that was going on a cruise with his wife, and hes from Tampa bay Florida! and yes I met him all by my self with out any grown ups! yup I'm pretty smart! well we watched the sun go down ,and I was pretty moved by the colors. i desided that I wanted to paint what I saw so that's just what im going to try ,and do tomorrow! also there was Denis McKay there too and he was out jogging after that we headed to TIM HORTON'S!!!!! the donut king!! well we had two donuts each ,and I had double chocolate ,and Boston cream yummm I love donuts. they make me all tingly inside :) well maybe because of that weird butterfly thing people talk about when they say I have butterfly's in my stomach well I think that butterfly was also feeding on the donut as well... any ways I gotta go I had a great time with my dad and I am going to miss him when he leaves on Monday.

Tanisha Carter.

Saterday 12 2009 september!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

p.s. the excamation marks mean I am super happy ,and hyper because of those donuts!!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Dear Diary,
Tomorrow you would never guess!! MY DAD IS COMING!! well for a short time to help with the storage but that's good news right? also Trekkie is coming along (Trekkie Brown from Florida)
well ya that's the SUPER AWESOMELY TERRIFIC NEWS! oh ,and I have read another book in a day its called skulduggery pleasant its a pretty awesome book!! I couldn't putt it down! well I don't much time thins time so I gotta go!!



Wednesday 9Th 2009 September!!


Monday, August 31, 2009

Complete fun!

Dear Diary,
I had the funnest time of my life today!! The Shaffer's,McKay's,Levitt's,Kaopuas and of coarse my family went on a all day adventure! first we went on a picnic to Beacon Hill Park ,and had the picnic under a tree that the Levitt's call the monkey tree. The branches are super strong ,and are all over the place so you could go all the way to the top and lay down where the leaves and branches are thin ,we played tag in there. After a while the grown-ups gathered us all together ,and had us hold hands from shortest to tallest which means Reuben was leading ,and taven was on the end. Reuben led us all over the place through the ducks almost into the pond across the street ,and the funniest part was going around people! there where three ladies sleeping in the grass and Reuben kept leading us around them in a circle like five times!! plus we where chanting "left left left right left" ,and over again two of them woke up ,and looked super annoyed all I could do was laugh! I loved how people looked at us ,and to end it we all ran up to auntie shira screaming MOM MOM MOM!! and gave her a huge group hug. people just looked at us like we where crazy!
After all that we went to the Brake Water Light House. practically all of the kids went on the bottom part to walk on these big blocks avoiding the waves that came splashing up to us. it was a long walk but super fun! I was walking with Cheyenne,Brent, and pat but they ran ahead of me (I couldn't run cause I had a cramp)but when they where far enough ahead of me a HUGE wave came and splashed them! Cheyenne was only a little wet Brent wasn't wet at all cause He his behind Cheyenne and pat was soaked to the bone!! it was sooo funny!! at that time I was pretty grateful I had a cramp!
after we had all met up at the end to the light house we got some pictures and went on our way back! I was walking with pat but went a bit ahead and guess what!? I wave came that looked like was going to completely soak me but only soaked my pants making me look like I wet my pants!! I caught up with Malia ,and jadan and jadan started teasing me saying I wet my pants every one new I didnt but Malia got a pretty good kick out of it!!
on my way to the car Cheyenne was holding this huge piece of kelp in her arms she said she didn't really have a plan for it ,but then Alisa and Brent said that we should tie it up to the back of auntie shira's van, they said they have done it before once or twice! and it was a pretty good gage!! so thats just what we did!! we tied it onto there ,and she had no idea!! when she drove out there where people looking at it strangely laughing there heades off pointing at it people on bikes that where probably going to run into a pole unless they stoped looking at it ,it was sooooooo funny!!there where poeple honking at her and trying to tell her about the kelp Finally she realized after a guy on a bike pointed at it! we laughed and laughed the whole time watching peoples expressions though!!
The time we finally cut it off was when we got to Tim Horton's. we each got to pick out a donut but the lady in there trying to pick them out for us was completely confused because every one was talking at once!!9I had a blueberry bloom donut) but at the end every thing worked out and we all got a donut ,and had our share of laughs ,all I can say was holy smocken oly!! today was da bomb!!

well since I didn't do a entry yesterday I will have to tell you the highlight of Sunday!! Dallon H. Oaks came to out Stake for conference it was awesome!! he was soooo funny!!and very nice he mad e sure that he shook every ones hand!! it took him for ever but it showed us how much he cared. when he did start speeking He was talking about how a little girl gave him a letter saying how she knows he is a apostle because he is clean and his head is shiny!! pahahahaha!! its true!! his head is super shiny!! and that's what makes it so funny and that this little girl was I think 8 but I loved the letter it had more stuff to say but I don't have much more time because I have to go to bed!! but any ways I did a personal project which was I made a pie for some one for service. I picked the black berries made every thing by scratch!! and I gave the pie to Dallon H. Oaks an Apostle of God!! wow! I got a picture with him and he gave me a hug!! that was such a great experience!! "thanks mom!! for the great idea to give it to him!!" I will try and putt the picture on the computer but its on my grandpas camera so you will have to wait!! sorry!!

Thanks for reading!!

Teeshie bo beeshie!!

Monday august 31st!! 2009!!

If there is anything you think I need to improve on please comment on this entry!!
Thank you!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

Todays adventures!!!

Dear Diary,
Today I made to mini black berry pies!!! They where very fun to make, I picked my self some fresh blackberry's ,and mixed them to gether with sugar ,flour ,and other stuff like that ,then I made the dough ,and made another pie now there cooking!! yahoo! Then I will bring them to a sister in the ward.
I tried climbing a tree today ,but for everyone that has been to dancerwood would understand how fat ,and tall they are. they are OK to climb because the branches are like stares climbing up the tree ,but then I got scared of braking my arm... sooo I'm going to cancel climbing trees for tomorrow...
SAM,Kekea, and Monika are tons of fun to play tag with!! I know,I know its sorta weird to play tag with animals but it was surprisingly fun!! I am going to do it a lot more!!
I found a bird house also at dancerwood ,and the first thing I thought of is "hey!! maybe I will find myself some broken eggs!! what a treasure!" so I got my self a ladder and climbed up there and guess what I found!!!... nothing.. just bird-poo ,feathers ,and grass... blast and botheration!! all well I will have to check out again at the end of spring.
I had a wonderful cheese grilled sandwich today that Nana made, It was AWESOMELY DELICIOUS!
the pie is ready!! but one of the pies looks like it threw up.. I am giving her the one that look's more clean ,and I did most by myself I hope she likes it!
My mom is wanting to clean my room that has both her stuff Malia's stuff Cheyennes,sierras and of course my stuff... and its super overwelming so I am sorta avoiding it... oops!!

well I gotta go and have some more fun ,and cleaning up to do so my mom doesn't remember that bedroom!!

see ya!!


Friday August 28Th 2009!!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Dancerwood <3

Dear Diary,
Today Nana,Mom,Sierra, and I have been getting ready mushrooms for freezing yuck!! I hate mushrooms and they smell bad!! but as long as I am there with my family I am all for it!!

Dana sent me a comment on the last entry about a buried treasure in the front yard of Dancerwood, now I am super excited to go looking for it with Dana!! I hope she will come and live here with us soon!!!
Dancerwood is getting better and better every day!! They are now putting carpet inside ,and finishing the kitchen. All thats left is the plumbing ,boards on the walls (I forget what there called, oops!!) ,and I think thats it!! haaahooooo!!! I am totally excited!! (totally...)
my mom is now planning the details about bringing our stuff here now which would probably be the hardest part with the borders and all...

In a while crocodile!!




Tuesday, August 25, 2009

improvements :)

Dear Diary,
Today I am at the library, looking at cake decor books. I am really interested in it!! my mom says I can take a class on cake decorating at Micheal's I am pretty excited!!! Also I have been trying to do as much service around as I can!! At least three things I usually wouldn't do.
We have the piggy's!! yippee! there is one boy and one girl the boy lets me pet him but the girl doesn't Sierra ,and I call them Max ,and Ruby. there very sweet!
guess what! we are now going to move into Dancerwood!! yaaaa!!! since it is super expensive we are going to have 2 students in 2 rooms which stinks cause then we don't get our own bedrooms!! awww man!!! ha ha! the sad part is that my dad might not be able to live with us...because of the job situation. but!!! thats what praying is for!! My mom is very happy to be here, you can just tell! she is always up and about and always waring a smile!! I am thinking this is one of the best improvements since we have moved from Florida!!

see ya alligator!!!!




Thursday, August 20, 2009

catching up....

Dear Diary,
So hello!! ya I know its been forever since I last typed on my blog but it was because I was SUPER busy... I have HUGE news though!! We moved back to Canada!! yippee!! we moved to Victoria on Vancouver Island. Its sooooo beautiful here!! I just love looking out side the window every chance I get. My mom my sisters and I have been staying at my great uncle Shawn's house. before I was staying in a tent in the back yard, it was SUPER cold!!!
yippee!! its Blackberry season!! my sisters ,and I have been going every place possible to gather (and eat...) blackberries. now I always walk in the house with purple fingers!!! yummm... I haven't made a ton of friends yet but thats because its summer. no worries!!! they will be coming soon!!
also I got a video camera for $200!! and I paid for from my own pocket!!! I haven't been able to make any more videos because I have already filled it up!!
before we moved to Victoria we went to the EVERGLADES!! it was our first time going there.( it is sorta weird that we never went there when we lived in Florida, for three years...) HOLY SMOKES!! We got to see a live alligator cross the street!!! I was so wanting to pet it but Cheyenne kept poling my away!! all well! after that 2 days later we went for a day trip to NEW YORK CITY!!! wow!! it was super busy and we looked like tourists because we had back packs and a suit case(even though we where tourists Cheyenne was super in barest because she doesn't like to look like one.. she likes to blend in..) we went to china town and the museum of natural history .(the same one in "night at the museum" its a movie)
to bad Malia wasn't there to be with us for all of it!! she was traveling all over the place to see family and friends but I guess we both got our share of fun!!

Well gotta run!! see ya!!



Sunday, May 10, 2009

this week..

Dear Diary,
I was invited to a birthday party for the first time in a long time! The birthday party was really fun! It was a luau party, also I joined up with my old friends from 5th grade. And guess what, I finished sixth grade on Monday. Extra months off! Yay! ("not" says my mom)
Also today was Mothers Day, Cheyenne and Malia sang a song with the veggie tales tune but with different words for my mom it was really funny! I tried to make a little restaurant for my mom.. I made a menu, I had a waitress and a pianist (Iesha and the pre-recorded keyboard). My mom thought it was really great (even though she did the cooking). My mom and I finally gave Ellie a real westie cut, instead of a shaggy dog cut. She looks really cute now.

Nyajuok had her baby on May 6th. So we are excited for her. Also I got to talk to my Kookum (Native Grandma) for the first time in a long time.
My sisters and I sent letters off to our Nanna for mother's day, I was glad that I was able to send something to her for mothers day. Well thats all for now.

Tanisha 5/10/09

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Sunday & Girls Camp.

Dear Diary,
Yay! its Sunday! Today at church I learned about "Charity" yup that's right "Charity" I learned that there is more then 1 type of Charity there is the earthly meaning witch is sending money,toys,furniture, and so on to the needy. the other type of Charity is the pure love of Christ, the unconditional love that he gives me and every one else no matter how many sins we commit. I thought that was so cool cause I only knew about the earthly Charity. but I felt the spirit really strong in sunday school it made me feel like my heart was about to burst out with joy.

oh yes I was going to tell you about Girls Camp!!
well I hitched a ride with Olivia De Mare.( you might remember her from my other post.) well she I and also Sierra. ( another Bee Hive, she is a convert, just got baptised like three months ago.) shannon De Mare was driving Shawn De Mare's Truck (Shannon & Shawn are Olivia's parents.) and you have to know shawn and his truck's relationship with each other. WOWIE!! Shawn kept calling shannon every hour, at first i was thinking that he was concerned about his wife and daughter and being a ragular father! but no... I was mistaken he was concerned about his big monster truck baby. haha it was really funny he kept calling to ask if his truck was ok and they where the same words every time.
After a while we kinda got bored, and plus we ran into smog, shannon... ( just so you know Olivia's parents dont like it when I call them mr. or mrs. De mare, sister or brother De mare you know the usual names for your friends parents.) well shannon deasided to tell a scary story. and I told a scary story too. ok I guess bunny's hoping threw the forest isnt very scary but it wore down the scary story with my bunny. later on we finnaly got to Gilrs Camp!!

To Be Continued...


Thursday, April 30, 2009

Dear diary,

Dear Diary,
sorry for taking such a long time time to right I have been busy lately ,and I have been trying to catch up in home work too. well nothing special is happening lately just hanging around. Girls camp was great ,and I met some new friends!! Ill have to tell you more about it in my next entry ,but I have to go hope I wont be late next time!!

See ya!

Friday, March 20, 2009


wow! sorry I haven't been writing in a while! well nothing exciting really but I am writing a news paper now called the carter family news its pretty fun! I am planning on sending a copy to Nana and grandpa and who else in my family would like to read it. also a couple days ago a small but painful piece of glass got stuck in my foot for two days! ouch! I finally got the courage of asking my mom to pull it out and for some reason it came out for her and not for me.I tried to convince her that I loosened it for her. (like with a pickle jar).
Malia and Cheyenne are evil they left sierra and I stranded at home for four days and that means that we have to clean. there in Idaho till Monday for snow boarding with the browns. they are evil I tell you. I haven't seen snow for 2 years and a half now at this point I am craving to get in my bathing suit, fly to Canada and jump in the snow. seriously too. its not fun when there is no change in season. but I have to admit I sure do love the beach! just scratch out the bikini's and speed-Os. yak!
I made dinner! yup and it was pretty good if you ask me! I made mashed potatoes and gravy with a salad. all by my self.

well gotta go! time for sleep.


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

best friends.

dear diary,
today you wouldn't believe it! i heard Berta/Bert say HELLO!!! its so crazy!
last night i had a laugh attack about something that Malia said it was kinda weird... plus i don't even remember what was so funny... nothing exciting is happening lately... but GIRLS CAMP!! AHHHH!! i am so excited! last year was a tone of fun! me and Olivia DE mare together in the same cabin and stuff. it was funny cause Olivia is my best friend but she is a girly girl plus three. and when we got our cabin colored shirts, she loved the color because it was pink... but she hated it because it was HUGE! she went on about it all through girls camp it was funny. and she went back to Jr. staff wanting a extra small but they told her a million times that it was a extra small. she didn't believe them... this year we are going to bring a bunch of decorations to putt in our tents this year. and we are going to bring to blow up beds to share and make It really comfy. Olivia and rebecca are my best friends. but the funny thing is is that rebecca and Olivia is completely different. and i am right in the middle... rebecca is a tom boy... Olivia is a girly girl and i don't know what i am.. one time there was this beehive activity with make up jobs... this is what Olivia said "anything pink" rebecca said"nope not that,nope,Nada,no way,eeek you have to be kidding me!" and i said" do what ever you want!". rebecca Olivia ended up looking like um well super super girly, i ended up looking pretty good! , and rebecca ended up just having her face cleaned... yup! that's my best friends all right! well any ways don't tell them i said anything but ya...i do love them!! there special!

see ya diary!!


Monday, February 16, 2009

stewey,bessy, and bert/ berta

dear diary,
as you know i am baby sitting Rebecca's birds she has three of them, two of them are married the boy is named stewey and the girl is named Bessy. ha ha Rebecca has strange choices of names! stewey is calm and very pretty hes a beautiful blue peach faced love bird, Bessy is a little darker green peach faced love bird, and she is sassy and mean! but she is pregnant with an egg all the time cause there breading birds. Rebecca does breeding. the third is a sweet, white, and yellow talented and stubborn cockatail. his name is Bert actually we found out he is a she so we call her Berta. ha ha he is stubborn but very sweet and he knows how to whistle we thank thee oh god for a prophet. its so crazy! plus when you pose for a picture he whistles! i mean she... i am very bad at remembering but ill get better. she is sitting on m shoulder right now falling asleep to rock and roll music! she only likes to get pet on her neck, and Ellie is scared of her she gets really sassy around Ellie like she is a big gorilla! BERTA YOUR CRAZY! this one time just two days ago i saw the love bird cage and it was disgusting!the birds where both in the nesting box so it was the perfect chance to clean the cage so i thought... i opened the cage door without a sound but since stewey has really good hearing he jumped out side. i quickly picked up a piece of paper and put it over the nesting box hole. bessy was jumping and trying to get me! man! it was scary! you wouldn't now cause she has never attacked you before. any ways stewey gets all emotional cause his poor wife is getting kidnapped so he jumps on me and bights my finger! ouch! it hurt so bad that i moved my hand off the box.and bessy jumped out really puffed up chasing my hand all through the cage so i take it out before she could bight me and i shut the cage. it happend so fast! now i don't like stewey any more.
as much...

see ya!

Friday, February 13, 2009

package in the mail

dear diary,
today me and Malia finally go the package we have been waiting for, for SO long! you have know idea! its a Dwight shrewt bobble (from the office) head for Cheyenne's birthday! its so hideous! the birthday card said..."WARNING!!:OPEN CAUTIOUSLY. MAY CAUSE SUDDEN BLINDNESS, HEART ATTACK OR NAUSEA.ALSO MAY RESULT IN NIGHTMARES....happy birthday! hope the birthday fun keeps going around and around!" ha ha! at a letter that has smiley fish on it too. when we gave it to Cheyenne you should have seen her expression!! it was SO funny!! i wish we caught it on tape!
mom and dad are going on a two day temple trip together with Vee brown and Stan brown D: i am going to miss them!

well talk to ya later!!
i mean type...


Thursday, February 12, 2009

thursday life

dear dairy,
today i woke up at 10 o,clock. again.. and i the day before(wednesday) i remember that i was supposed to baby-sit rebeccas birds (my best friend).she told me that night that she would bring them to seminary in the morning and pass them on to malia. well so i went out side and... no birds, looked in my bedroom... no birds, and looked in the bathroom... um no birds? i kinda got those what ifs in my mind like what if: they left and forgot to bring the birds. so i call malia and she says that rebecca nor jessica was at seminary that morning... "uh oh! what if she got in a car accident! or what if!!!..." ya i think you get it! finnaly i call rebecca and she said since one of her breeding birds are pragnent she didnt like that idea of getting up early. so she desided to bring them later on in the day. so much thursday drama!
i finnished my school work! at 6:00 dang nabit!
and also i am watching malia and carl chase cheyenne and sierra around singing happy birthday to them. FUN STUFF!


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

dear diary,
know how i said yesterday that i was going to go to the hospital and then old navy? well i did... oh you want to hear about it? well if you say so! any ways. POOR POOR!! sister brown! she was very sick and her arm was really swollen and purple! because she was laying on it for 4 days strait! also her face was really swollen too!! we went to her house to get some things for her and i checked out her bathroom! oh my oh my! it was tinny!! the poor lady! i don't know if i could ever go through something like that!
after word we went to old navy and looked around a bit because my mom promised to take me, cause i had a gift card for 20 dollars in it. so we looked around and every thing was on sale. i got these brown shorts and a whit shirt that says "WORLD PEACE PLEASE!" with a big picture of the world. its pretty cool!
today i woke up at 10 o.clock this morning ha ha sorry i broke my goal...again... but that because i was dreaming! what would you do in a situation like that! GOSH! (from Napoleon dynamite) but any ways ill tell you more about my day latter on but right now that's all that's new.



OH WAIT! DON'T GO! i remember its Cheyenne's birthday today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHEY CHEY! she just left to Barnes and noble ill have to teliport myself to tell her.

see ya!

Monday, February 9, 2009

sister browns accident

dear diary,
mom promised me that if i went to go with her to see a sister in or ward that's in the hospital then she could take me to old navy. its so sad, a lady in or ward who is older her name is sister brown well she fell in her bathroom on Thursday and couldn't get up. the police had to break down her door to get in. my mom found her on the bathroom floor so she hadn't eaten or moved from that spot for three days. she is such a wonderful woman she comes and greets me every Sunday with a great big hug. oh it makes me so sad to hear the horrific news. its a miracle she survived!
but i am going to keep her in my prayers. well gotta go! where on our way out the door now see ya!!


Sunday, February 8, 2009

stuff i dont understand.

dear diary,
i have been in a poor mood lately i don't know what to do...
but either then that every thing is going great!!i am trying to plan something to do on Saturday or Friday cause nothing is really planned on those days. i learned a lot at church, about modesty. every thing totally made sense to me. this morning i woke up feeling sick so i didn't want to come( in my mind), but in my heart it was bouncing up and down on me trying to get me to wake up!! just feeling that urge to get up this morning really said allot about how much i love church. really its my whole life! i need to get better at going to bed early like 9 or something, cause i have huge, hon ken, dark circles around my eyes!
don't you think its weird how you look at yourself in the mirror and you notice the circles under your eyes? well then you watch a cartoon and they don't have any circles around there eyes!! ha ha i am just kidding but i still think Arial (little mermaid) is lucky for two reasons first off no circles under eyes. second off she has fins. oh and she has a new shoe.

well gotta go!!


Saturday, February 7, 2009

day at the beach

dear diary,
today was DA best!! ha ha it was really fun. Malia, sierra and I all went to the beach for a sister,sister,sister date. we found the most perfect little mermaid rock too in the water, i got on it and was trying to make the pose. but it didn't work... you know how in the movie the water plashes up in really dramatic way and its the best part of the movie!? well it did that with me, but it just all fell on me... the moment is ruined. all well!! sierra found the tire swings and fell in love with them. i had to teach her how to get on it cause she is still really short, once she got on the swing the fun was ruined once Malia and I got there. and yes its because we swung her so hard that it made her sick. the weird thing was ,was that i got more sick of watching her when i was pushing/twisting her then her being on the tire. and no i am not kidding ask Malia!! i almost barfed watching them. oh and sierra lost her shoe in the deep part of the ocean, some mermaid is probably trying it on, but that's OK that the mermaid only has one shoe because, well you know why.
any ways gotta go Malia is a butt head.
p.s. its Ellie's birthday today!! 4 years old!! shes getting old!!

Saturday, January 24, 2009

a awesome dream!

Dear diary,
i just came back from cleaning the church my job was the kitchen with Malia. i decided i was going to do the dishes so i did but he rags were slimy! ew! '~'
now here's my dream home that i want so badly. 4 houses put together and there all connected by one room. the first house is the carter home, the second house is where Dana and Jon lives, the third house is where Kara, Arturo and zeeky live and the fourth house is where Nana and grandpa live. and this big house is on a lot of property and all the dogs are running around and there is a pool. that's what i dreamed for last night. it was so real! if only it was true.



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